Monday, April 18, 2011


It's so funny how easy it is to tell someone else what they should do and then you find yourself in that situation and it is murder trying to follow your own advice!  After being on very strict restrictions for the past 12 weeks, I was finally free to start my exercise program again.  I knew that I should ease into it, take it easy, and start slow.  Easier said than done! 

I knew my body wouldn't be at the same level it was before surgery, but for some reason all logic leaves you when presented with a challenging workout!  I gave it my all and still was so far away from where I thought I should be.  The following workouts went about the same, but now I am finally getting into the right mindset.

It's ok to need breaks, to be out of breath, and to have really sore muscles!  Actually it feels great!

The choice here is to accept where I am and enjoy the journey to where I want to be!